장소 6
양야오지, ‘4대 무법자’의 회합 장소
신힝 스트리트
쑨원이 홍콩에서 의학을 공부할 당시, 그는 종종 양야오지에서 가까운 친구들이었던 리우리에, 천샤오바이, 양훙링 등과 만났습니다. 양야오지는 양훙링의 가족이 경영하는 가게로 고흐 스트리트 8번지에 있었습니다. 이곳에서 쑨원을 비롯한 친구들이 모여 자유롭게 정치와 반청 혁명에 대해 이야기를 나눌 수 있었습니다. 그들은 전통적인 사고방식과 양립하기 어려운 견해를 가지게 되었고, 스스로를 ‘4대 무법자’라고 불렀습니다.
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실패는 반역자를 낳고, 성공은 왕자를 만듭니다.
이 곳에서 청 왕조를 뒤엎고 공화국을 건설하자는 이야기를 나눴던 네 사람이 있었습니다.
그들은 말을 행동으로 옮겼고, 새로운 나라가 탄생했습니다.
Wong Kwok Choi Kacey
Dr. Kacey Wong (1970) was born in Hong Kong. He studied architecture in Cornell University and received his Master of Fine Arts degree from Chelsea School of Art and Design and Doctor of Fine Arts Degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He is the founding member of Art Citizens, Street Design Union, Umbrella Movement Art Preservation, and former curator & member of Para/Site Art Space. Also a former Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Design’s Environment and Interior Design Discipline. Currently he is an Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. His research investigate artist’s and designer’s role in social political causes.
Wong’s experimental art project investigates the space between men and their living environment with a social intention. He think being an artist is similar to being a detective, the case on hand is to investigate the self. His mobile tricycle project ‘Wandering Homes’ was featured at the 2008 Venice Architectural Biennale in Italy. His floating house ‘Paddling Home’ was performed on Hong Kong Victoria Harbour and his mobile bunk bed ‘Sleepwalker’ was the star features during the 2010 and 2012’s Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture exhibition.
Wong’s political artworks such as ‘Kidnap’, ‘The Real Cultural Bureau’, ‘Attack of the Red Giant’, ‘Hong Kongese Warning Squad’ exhibited during annual Hong Kong July 1st protest were featured by the media both local and internationally, successfully linking art and politics and expanded alternative art practice at the sites of protest. He received Rising Artist Award and Outstanding Arts Education Award given by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2003, Best Artist Award in 2010 and was the winner of 2012 HK Contemporary Arts Award given by Hong Kong Museum of Art.