1884年4月26日,港督宝云为中央书院在鸭巴甸街及荷李活道交界的新校舍主持奠基礼; 孙中山当时刚入读该校,有可能见证了这项仪式。中央书院于1889年迁入新落成的校舍,易名维多利亚书院,至1894年再改称皇仁书院。
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Tse Kam Wing, Kenneth
Kenneth Tse graduated from The University of Hong Kong in Master of Architecture in 1997. He won the first prize in an architectural competition for the Centre for Youth Development, and became one of the founders of Meta4 Design Forum since 2000.
In this Venice Biennale, Tse will bring the story about the residents’ difficulties against the urban development and the rally for “retaining heritage, retaining people” in Hong Kong.